Privacy Policy
Appropriate Use
Solace collects and uses personal information solely for the purpose of conducting business and developing an understanding of its customers.
Solace hereby asserts that personal information will only be used for the following purposes:
Administration of the customers database (shop)
Provide information to customers about education related programs and services and/or special events/sales.
Manage our relationship with and communicate to customers and partner organizations
Meet legal and regulatory requirements
Manage information technology
Other reasonable purposes consistent with our operations.
Policy Statements
Solace assumes full accountability for the personal information within its possession and control.
Solace obtains personal information directly from the individual to which the information belongs. Individuals are entitled to know how Solace uses personal information and this organization will limit the use of any personal information collected only to what is needed for those stated purposes. Solace will obtain individual consent if personal information is to be used for any other purpose. Solace will not use that information without the consent of the individual.
Under no circumstances will Solace sell, distribute, or otherwise disclose personal information or contact lists to third parties. However, limited disclosure may be required as part of Solace fulfilling its stated business duties and day-to-day operations. This may include consultants, suppliers, or business partners of Solace, but only with the understanding that these parties obey and abide by this Privacy Policy, to the extent necessary of fulfilling their own business duties and day-to-day operations.
Solace will retain personal information only for the duration it is needed for conducting business. Once personal information is no longer required, it will be destroyed in a safe and secure manner. However, certain laws may require that certain personal information be kept for a specified amount of time. Where this is the case, the law will supersede this policy.
Solace vows to protect personal information with the appropriate security measures, physical safeguards, and electronic precautions. Solace maintains personal information through a combination of paper and electronic files. Where required by law or disaster recovery/business continuity policies, older records may be stored in a secure, offsite location.
Access to personal information will be authorized only for the employees and other agents of Solace who require the information to perform their job duties, and to those otherwise authorized by law.
Solace's computer and network systems are secured by complex passwords. Only authorized individuals may access secure systems and databases.
Active files are kept in locked filing cabinets.
Routers and servers connected to the Internet are protected by a firewall, and are further protected by virus attacks or "snooping" by sufficient software solutions.
Personal information is not transferred to volunteers, summer students, interns, or other non-paid staff by e-mail or any other electronic format.
Solace's Web site will include our privacy policy and disclose our personal information practices.
Solace may use personal information without the individual's consent under particular circumstances. These situations include, but are not limited to:
oSolace is under obligation by law to disclose personal information in order to adhere to the requirements of an investigation of the contravention of a regional or federal, under the purview of the appropriate authorities.
oAn emergency exists that threatens an individual's life, health, or personal security.
oThe personal information is for in-house statistical study or research.
oThe personal information is already publicly available.
oDisclosure is required to investigate a breach of contract.
Any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy can be addressed by contacting us at healthandsolace@gmail.com. Solace will investigate and respond to concerns about any aspect of the handling of personal information. This organization will address concerns to the best of its abilities.